Wednesday 16 February 2011


The mystery of whether the story of Jesus on the cross-- is it true?

I set myself a task of photographing crosses; ones that are not so obvious without looking beyond the obvious- anywhere and everywhere.

This shows how much it is all around us-- but does it prove that Jesus himself and the story is true?

When researching I looked mainly through a book called Cross by KELLY KLEIN: which was very helpful as all the photos in the book are of crosses.

Below are some examples from the book:

She took cross images from other photographers and artists to create a book of them all. The ones I selected above are some of the most predominant images from the book that I thought linked well with my Cross task and God.

This is because the images are very similar or have similar aspects to mine, so when photographing I took into consideration the ideas and composition of the images from the book. Below are some of the many cross photos I took:

When I started out this task I thought it would be quite easy, but considering my whole task was about finding crosses which were not so easy to find with out looking beyond the obvious, I did soon get used to finding and spotting more and more. Not when I'm just walking around, it seems I'm always finding them.

Does this prove anything? Or is it still all just a MYSTERY?

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