Tuesday 8 February 2011

Initial ideas and mindmapping

To begin with I noted down lots of ideas to do with both Mystery and Imagination. Mystery:

  • Darkness

  • suspicious- misgiving: doubt about some one's honesty

  • magical

  • unknown

  • question- doubt: uncertainty about the truth or existence of something

  • myths

  • God- idol: a material effigy that is worshipped;

  • future

  • undiscovered

  • murder

  • shadows - shade within clear boundaries

  • crime/investigation

  • past/war

  • forest

  • creation - the event that occurred at the beginning of something;

  • secrets

  • space- an empty area (usually bounded in some way between things);


  • de ja vu

  • spontaneous

  • uncontrollable

  • dreams- a succession of images, thoughts, sounds, or emotions which pass through the mind during sleep

  • unreal

  • craziness

  • fun

  • dimensions

  • strange

  • story telling- unbelievable

  • fantasy

  • emotions

  • colour

  • development

  • lost-unable to be found or recovered

  • expressive

  • magical- characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers

  • random

  • sleep

  • invention

These are all words and ideas of which may help influence my initial ideas.

I then went on to creating possible tasks like:

- Getting lost and taking photos of the place and whats around, how you felt etc

- making a board game become reality

- Photography past- time line

- Photographing the essence of God

- Abandoned spaces

- Creating visual riddles

This was a beginning exercise to get my mind thinking and experimenting more with ideas. This helped me lead into different artist research to begin working with initial ideas.

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