Tuesday 8 February 2011

Initial images

With the figures in the near distance adds a sense of emptiness and isolation.

The darkness in this photo adds mystery and the unknown. The light coming from behind the car adds attention and focus from the rest of the image.

The motion of the person adds an atmosphere to the image; and a mystery sense of loneliness and out alone.

The motion and the light adds an eerie feel to the image and mystery of questioning.

Here the image shows space; gives a sense of mystery of death and burial. Knowing that one day we may always be there; sense of fear.

For practise, I went out and tried to create my own scene of mystery/ imagination before any research completed in lesson.
So above are examples of this; these are a few of a batch that I completed. I felt these were the most mysterious like and has given me a good start and push towards other ideas.

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