Wednesday 2 March 2011


Church is a good example of another aspect of God as its a place of worship; a place to pray; or a place to read his word. Why did people many centuries back take years to built holy temples like churches; when there is no God even to worship? They had no scientific debatable evidence against God and yet they still believe, surely there is no mystery to this....
There are so many churches around the UK and the world, which all do the same thing, that is to glorify God, but they all do it in different ways and serve God differently but all for the same reason. So below are images of the Priory:

I still plan to go back to the Priory in Christchurch and photograph in the church, if possible, so I can experiment with light through the stained glass windows.

Here below are more images of the priory on a different day, with the sun shining through the stain glass windows. This is what I was hoping for when visiting again, to show the colours and light through the windows of this church.

These two images show the many colours reflecting from the stained glass windows; this is what I was hoping for when visiting the priory especially. I like them because of the blurred colours reflected on the walls. This one shows the slight light through the right side, gives a contrast of darkness and light. Also with the wonderful architectural ceiling of the church. This image has a very clear reflection from the sun shining through the window; I like this because of that reason. I feel it gives the sense of happiness and warmth, because it shows the colours and light from the reflection.

This one has a bit of everything; the light reflected through the window, crosses on the wall and table, and that it is situated in a church.

Again for the two images above: blurred colour in the background and through the stained glass windows. I like these two especially as they both show the church from the structure view; it shows aspects of which were built along with the construction many years ago as well as the colourful windows and reflections from the light.

All the images show light through windows; I thought this was a perfect example of God's mystery, as He created light and darkness, and with it shining through his kingdom, links perfectly.

A good example of another church is Rouen Cathedral; it has wonderful architectural structures and these photos below show this (These are not my images)

These images just show a good example of the link between the structure and layouts of churches and how similar they all are.

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