Wednesday 2 March 2011


Another aspect of God is to do with worshipping: to worship and praise God for all he has done and is still to do. But if God is such a supernatural being that is a fragment of our imagination, then why do so many of us, take so much time worshipping and praising him? I went out to Springbourne Christian Centre and photographed an evening of praise.

I like this image as the smoke from underneath the stage and the bright lighting on the right gives an eerie but yet exciting effect to the image. The colours and darkness of the photo enhance the tension and mystery.

The different colours and smoke in this image adds warmth and joy.

Here with the change in colour to blue and the angle of the image shows the reaction on the singers and musicians faces which add interest and mystery to their emotions and thoughts.

These images below are ones that I took at my own church in Boscombe: it shows how different they worship but all for the same reason.

I showed it from birds eye view to show a different perspective of it, but still showing how they worship and different ages reactions as well. The images above show youth worship which would be completely different to a more traditional churches worship with a more elderly population. Its fantastic though as its so different but nice, as they all are there for the same reason and that's to worship and glorify God.

This one shows a different aspect of worship: a way that's different in a different community.

I like this one as the quirkiness of the girl dancing in the aisle for me brings a smile to my face: it adds happiness to the image: it also shows a difference in age in community.

I purposefully took this because of the light reflecting through the church windows, as well as the different Bible's opened at the same pages for a reading: this also shows worship through reading his word.

This one is simply just an image of the congregation; but I like how it shows the characteristics of the church through the different people (age, culture...), layout and appearance.

The women in white stands out for me: as she is worshipping in her own way, with her hand lifted and 'surrendering herself', she is proud and brave to do so. This shows that at any age you can still worship and feel the love of God. Also with the worship group praising in the back ground too.

Another way of worshipping God; is to take communion; its not compulsory, but from following Jesus' words 'Take this in remembrance of me' its shows commitment and love to God.

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