Tuesday 8 March 2011

Final Outcome and Why I did what I did

Top View

Front view (1)

Side view (1)

Front View (2)

Side view (2)

When deciding what to do, it took a lot of thinking and deciding to what to put into the cross as well how to link well enough.

I decided to do the cross in the first place as it was one of my first tasks to photograph crosses; so I thought creating a 3D cross what quite relevant. Also as it is a well known religious symbol linking to God and especially Jesus. The fact that is had a tint blue on two of the sides is simply there for more effect and adding interest.

Once decided on the cross; I debated many times at what to put in it, but I 100% knew that using my images from previous tasks was a must. In deciding my images, I just chose the ones that first I likes the most, the ones that I knew other people liked, as well as picking appropriate ones linking to some of my tasks: sun, land, animals, church, worship etc.

I have four cords/strings of which are 4 different colours and represent four different aspects; these cords would hold the images I picked out.
  • The green cord is flowers and nature, which link to the colour green as well as the image all being of similar subject, blue cord is animals and water,
  • The colour blue is obviously linked to water as well as the animals either photographed in water or link to it somehow and again all the images link together with similar subjects,
  • The brown cord is for church/ crosses/ and landscape, this links to earth as the earth's soil is brown and church, crosses, and landscape are all on earth,
  • And there's the yellow cord which links to sun and all my images are of sun rises or sets.

These images were all hole punched and attached through the cords in order to make a 'washing line' of images. I chose to do this as it was different to some of the other ideas I has already thought of as well as it being quite creative and linking well with the colours and images. The cord slotted through the hole in the lid and knotted at the top. This then led me to sliding on the images.

On the sides of the crosses I have small white strings again attached and knotted through the small holes from the side lids. I chose white string as it was very simple and didn't take any attention away from the four long cords in the centre, as they are the main focus and I didn't want to make it too overwhelming with the different colours and patterns. So choosing white was for simpleness but also white is very pure and holy; which again links to God.

On the white string are words; God, Jesus, Creation,Nature, Image, Likeness, Everlasting Life, Perfect, Goodness, Kingdom, Omnipotence, Benevolent, Heaven, Earth, Creature.

There are 16 words of which I split up in to 2 groups: 8 on each side. When deciding what words were to go on each side, I didn't just want it to be random, I wanted there to be more meaning to each detail. I separated the words in one group linking to God and the other Jesus.

First side:

God (Creator), Creation (God created the universe), Everlasting life (God gives this to who believe and put into practise), omnipotence- all powerful (God is powerful), benevolent-all loving(God is loving), world (he created the world and everything in it), heaven (where God is), and kingdom (God's never ending throne).

Second side:

Jesus (God's son- sent to earth), image (Jesus is the image of God and we were created in his image too), likeness (created in likeness), goodness (God is good, and Jesus was sent to spread his goodness), perfect (God and Jesus are perfect- we and the world are too), earth (God created and Jesus was sent to earth), nature (God created nature and every living creature on earth), and creature (part of God's creation).

The words all link either to God and what he did or to Jesus and the earth.
The words I used has more meaning too them, as I researched more by looking through Bible verses: linking to God, Creation, Nature and so on. Ones from all over the Bible and not just in Genesis, as that is the beginning of all stories.

Genesis 1: 26
Then God said "let us make human beings in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over he fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals and over all the creatures that move along the ground"

Genesis 1:12
And that earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind and the tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good (goodness)

Romans 1:20
For the invisible things of him from the Creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power (omnipotence) and god head; so that they are without excuse.

John 3:16
For god so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son (Jesus), that whosoever believe in him should no perish, but have everlasting life

1 john 4:17
Here in is our love (benevolent) made perfect , that we may have boldness in the day of judgement because as he is, so are we in this world.

Matthew 13:38
the field is the world: the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one

Genesis 1:1
in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth (nature)

Each word above highlighted in red and in italics are the words I used, they were taken from Bible verses.

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