Thursday 10 March 2011


For my exam overall I completed the task of photographing the essence/aspects of God, and to finish it off my final piece was a 3D clear cross which held the aspects of which I thought were relevant and true. I am very pleased with all the work that I have completed for my exam, and I feel they all link well to each other and show perfectly what my overall idea was.

There could have been many changes which I could have pursued with, at any point of my exam. For a start I could have not created the cross, I could have completed a film or slideshow of images, but I feel the cross showed my idea the most effectively. The many ideas I had thought about to do with my cross, I could have completed any one of those, or when choosing words for my sides of the cross; I could have had one side of words from the bible and others words against God completely (evil, death, disease etc) but then that would go against the fact of my task 'photographing aspects or essence of God' so wouldn't fit in very well. Small choices like what colour cord/string to use, or the size of the cross could all have been different. Tasks from previous posts, I could have done differently, explored more, went out of my comfort zone that extra bit further. Or simply just taking more photos, taking the time and getting the photos I wanted to take rather than needed.

I am sure there are plenty of things that I could have explored with like visiting different places of worship and exploring different God’s and religions and not just the Christian one, or exploring different acts and people from different religions or from Christianity of which I haven’t already covered. If I had more time, I would have enjoyed learning about other cultures and capturing it through photography. But with the time frame I had and the task; I kept Christianity as it was the first thing I had to mind so learning from this exam, I should explore more with other ideas and get out my comfort zone more.

Overall though I am pleased about how everything turned out. I liked looking into different artists and photographers work and taking time to figure out how I could link my task to that specific photographer for example Uta Barth; I thoroughly enjoyed looking at her images and once taken some of my own, having fun manipulating them on Photoshop.

Through this exam I feel I have improved in many ways with ideas, techniques, use of my camera and even Photoshop. I now feel over these last few weeks that I can finally use my improvements and knowledge more fluently with tasks/ideas/experiences to come.

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